My New Book - Editing Jesus

Bestselling author of Editing Jesus, The Suicide Solution, Jesus-Centered Daily, The God Who Fights for You, Spiritual Grit, The Jesus-Centered Life, Skin In the Game, Shrewd, Jesus-Centered Youth Ministry, and many more. General Editor of The Jesus-Centered Bible.
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Rick is a seasoned conference keynoter and workshop speaker—he's been doing it for three decades, so he's starting to get good at it. He has a broad repertoire, and can customize for any event.

Rick creates and hosts the popular weekly podcast Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus. His podcast draws tens of thousands of listeners, motivating them to go all-in, “living like a pig” for Jesus.

Rick has three decades of experience collaborating with writers and authors and leaders, taking the raw material of their passion and expertise, then accentuating its impact. Michaelangelo “found” his masterpiece “David” in a block of white marble, and Rick helps those who have something important to say do the same.

Rick coaches writers, leaders, and educators to maximize the impact of their work. He's an innovator in highly engaging, transformational approaches to helping people grow. He trains ministry leaders to practice a unique “Improv” strategy in their teaching and presenting, and helps writers and speakers achieve next-level communication, including virtual environments.